
BBiomedSc - Bioinformatics Major

Handbook Year


Major code


Credit point value

24 credit points




Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences

Major Structure


Level 1

CP1401:03 Problem Solving and Programming I or 3 credit points of subjects from List 1 (if selected as elective in Year 1)

Level 2

BM2331:03 Bioinformatics I: Decoding DNA

CP1404:03 Programming II

Level 3

BM3331:03 Bioinformatics II: Mastering Big Genomic Data


Select 12 credit points of subjects from List 1 (domain specific application subjects)

List 1

CP2406:03 Programming III

CP3407:03 Advancing Software Engineering

BM3130:03 Genes, Genomes and Development

BM3330:03 Synthetic Biology and Bioengineering

BZ3450:03 Ecological and Conservation Genetics

BM3120:03 Medical Microbiology 1

BM3320:03 Medical Microbiology 2

BM3220:03 The Immune System: Function, Disorders and Diseases

BM3221:03 Molecular Analysis of Tropical Microbes

MA2830:03 Data Visualisation

MA3405:03 Statistical Data Mining for Big Data

BM3110:03 Physiology: Life at the Extremes

BM3310:03 The Brain: Disorders, Diseases and Drugs

BM3100:03 Professional Practice, Laboratory Management and Quality Assurance