
Subject Lifecycle - Review

Use the Subject Lifecycle resource to gain an overview of key points within the learning, teaching and assessment policy and procedures. Refer to the policy library for a full description of the policy or procedure.

Click the headings within the accordions (i.e. LTA Proc 3.1.3) to find out more about that key point.

Abbreviations: CAI - Coursework Academic Integrity  |  CP - Core principle  |  LTA - Learning, Teaching and Assessment  |  Proc. - Procedure |  SO - Subject Outline


LTA Proc. 2.4
Course and subject feedback and review.

LTA Proc. 2.4.2. a
Conduct an annual review of student feedback.

LTA Proc. 2.4.2
Subject Coordinators undertake a biannual peer review of a subject that includes YourJCU student feedback, learning analytics data, assessment plans, moderation processes and grading practices.

LTA Proc. 2.4.2. c
Utilise elements of the 4Q model of evaluation for peer review and self-reflection.

LTA Proc. 2.3
Learning outcomes.

LTA Proc 2.3.3
Course and subject learning outcomes are written from the point-of-view of student learning.

LTA Proc. 3.1.4
Every subject learning outcome must be assured through assessment.

LTA Proc. 3.2.2
Assessment methods are balanced.

LTA Proc. 3.1.2
Learning outcomes and assessment are aligned.

CAI Proc. 1.1. a
Ensure assessment items are varied and intentionally designed to promote academic integrity.

LTA Policy CP2
Students participate in engaging and futures-orientated subjects.

LTA Proc. 2.1
Curriculum design.

LTA Proc. 2.1.1.c
Ensuring course and subject design is inclusive and anticipates student diversity without lowering academic standards.


Subject Review Tool (SRT)

The Subject Review Tool (SRT) has been designed to be a simple tool you can use to review your subject’s alignment with eight core focus areas that relate to learners’ experience.

Find out more

Professional Development Opportunities:

Web Guides:

Policies and Procedures:

Downloadable version - Subject Lifecycle (PDF, 134 KB)

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