
CEE Education Strategy Subject Lifecycle Subject Lifecycle - Teach and Assess

Subject Lifecycle - Teach and Assess

Use the Subject Lifecycle resource to gain an overview of key points within the learning, teaching and assessment policy and procedures. Refer to the policy library for a full description of the policy or procedure.

Click the headings within the accordions (i.e. LTA Proc 3.1.3) to find out more about that key point.

Abbreviations: CAI - Coursework Academic Integrity  |  CP - Core principle  |  LTA - Learning, Teaching and Assessment  |  Proc. - Procedure |  SO - Subject Outline

Teach and Assess

LTA Proc. 1.3.1
Students are offered a variety of resources, teaching methods, and flexible approaches to learning in recognition to their learning needs and acknowledging their social and culturally diverse backgrounds.

LTA Policy CP4
Student learning is facilitated by inspiring, motivating and research-informed teaching.

LTA Proc. 1.2.3
Students receive explicit learning and teaching information using commonly accepted terminology and language appropriate to the discipline.

LTA Proc. 4.1
Teaching requirements.

LTA Proc. 4.2.2. a
Learning activities and teaching strategies cater for, and encourage, student equity, diversity and inclusion.

CAI Proc 1
Staff responsibilities.

- Consultation -

LTA Proc. 4.3.1
Consultation arrangements are communicated in the subject outline.

LTA Policy CP3
Assessment is valid, fair, authentic, developmental, transparent, and varied.

LTA Proc. 3.2
Assessment methods.

LTA Proc. 3.1.7
Early assessment (pre-census) must be used to monitor student progress against subject learning outcomes and to identify additional support requirements.

CAI Proc. 4.1. a
Breach (of academic integrity) by a student - report as directed in the Student Academic Misconduct Procedure.

LTA Proc. 3.2.5
Examination papers for the examination period are securely prepared, approved and submitted to the College Administration and Examinations Unit in a timely manner in order to meet deadlines, as outlined in the Examinations Procedure.

- Moderation -

LTA Proc. 3.6

- Grading/marking -

LTA Proc. 3.7
Grades and results.

- Providing Feedback -

LTA Proc. 3.5
Feedback on assessment.

LTA Proc. 3.5.2. a
Students receive feedback on an early assessment item before census date.

LTA Proc. 3.5.2. c
Feedback on assessment is provided in timely manner relative to the study period:

  • within 15 university working days for a 13-week subject
  • within 7 university working days for a 7-week subject.

LTA Proc 3.5.1
Feedback on examinations are made available in LearnJCU GradeCentre or by student request after the results release date.

LTA Proc. 3.2.7
A deferred assessment (including an examination) is a delay (postponement) to the start date of an assessment item. A deferral can be requested by a student due to extenuating circumstances under the Special Consideration Procedure.

Promote YourJCU survey in accordance with the Student Experience of Learning and Teaching Policy.

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