
CEE TEL Design Padlet in LearnJCU

Padlet in LearnJCU

What is Padlet?

Padlet is an online bulletin board tool that you and your students can use to post text and other content types, such as images, audio and video.

With Padlet, you can create an online learning activity that is engaging and collaborative, and students can post their ideas asynchronously or synchronously. Padlet is available within LearnJCU and is supported by The Learning Environments Team.

Layouts for Padlets

There are many types of layouts to choose from:

  • Wall - posts in brick-like format
  • Stream - posts one after another (create date ascending or descending)
  • Grid - posts in rows
  • Shelf - posts in columns
  • Map - posts pinned to map
  • Canvas - most flexible, posts can be dropped anywhere
  • Timeline - posts pinned to horizontal line

Screenshot of Padlet layout types
Image above, screenshot of Padlet layout types

Online activities and applications

Comments can be turned on or off providing ways to share Learner-Learner, Learner-Teacher, or Learner-Content interactions. Imagine the possibilities, here are just a few ideas:

  • Introductions and ice breakers
  • Brainstorming and mind mapping
  • Assessment help
  • Learning journals
  • Interactive debate
  • Study group discussion
  • Questions and answers
  • Topic-related collaborative learning
  • Discussion forum alternatives
  • Informal peer feedback activities
  • Walkthrough presentation
  • Task manager

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Inserting (sharing) a Padlet into LearnJCU

Each Padlet has its own unique web address (URL). You can make this Padlet link available to students so they can post to it. There are two ways to share a Padlet to your subject site.

Linking to your Padlet in LearnJCU (The easy way)

Embedding your Padlet in an Ultra document  (A bit more work)