
Assessment task via discussion board

This task will take place across Week 8, using discussion board groups. You will be randomly allocated to work with a group of 3 to 5 students. To contribute to the discussion board for your group, you are required to:

  1. Prepare a Position Statement that clarifies your position in response to your professional experience school’s approach to parent/carer engagement. The position statement should be comprised of an A4 page (10-12 point font, Times New Roman or Arial, 1.0 line spacing) where you (i) explain your school and classroom teacher’s approach to parent/carer engagement, (ii) where/how you can extend on your school and/or classroom teacher’s approach, and (iii) how and why your changes will benefit student learning. Your statement should be supported with classroom or school-based evidence/examples, research and policies related to parent engagement from your school, the Queensland and national context, and include an accompanying reference list (the reference list may be provided on a second page). This position statement will inform your discussion.
  2. Post your position statement to the discussion board by 12noon Tuesday 14th April.
  3. Read the position statements written by each of your group members. Each group member will need to develop a purposeful question to pose to one other group member. Ensure each member of the group has had a question posed to them.
  4. By 12noon Wednesday 15th April, post a question on the discussion board for one member of your group. The question should be purposeful (i.e. to extend on the author’s position; clarify and aspect of the author’s positions; prompt for an aspect of the author’s position that you perceive to be related but not directly stated) and speak directly to an idea or concept put forward by your group member in their position statement (i.e. you must avoid asking general, vague questions).
  5. By 12noon Thursday 16th April, post a reply to the question posed to you on the discussion board. In your response you should use relevant professional language and in-text references to research, policies and evidence from your school.
  6. By 6pm Friday 17th April, post a critically reflective comment (maximum 100 words) focused on how undertaking this assessment task has informed and reframed your thinking in terms of engaging productively and meaningfully with parents and families to support improved student learning.