
Site Visits

The research team has now completed visits to communities and conducted stakeholder organisation interviews in our first jurisdiction, the Northern Territory.  We have also visited and conducted stakeholder interviews in remaining jurisdictions.

Below is a list of the communities visited to date, with relevant dates of our visits.

Community visits and stakeholder organisation interviews will be conducted in Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia throughout 2012-2013.

Dates for visits to these communities will be listed below, along with any further details, once finalised.

For a list of stakeholder organisations interviewed in each jurisdiction, see Interviews.


Darwin:           7-8, 11, 25 November 2011

Katherine:           21, 24 November 2011

Tennant Creek:          10-11 October 2011

Alice Springs:          12-14, 19 October 2011

Wadeye:          9-10 November 2011

Bulman:          22-23 November 2011

Alpurrurulam:          24-26 August 2011

Papunya :          17-18 October 2011


Mt Isa:          22-23 August 2011

Brisbane:      25-26 June 2012

Thursday Island:   21-22 March 2013

Brisbane:       3-4 April 2013

Pormpuraaw:      20-21 May 2013

Cairns:         6 March 2013

Rockhampton:       16-17 September 2013

Roma and Charleville:   12-14th February 2014


Melbourne:         10-14 April 2012

Bendigo:          23-24 April 2012

Mildura:         28 May 2012 (for Robinvale/Swan Hill)

Robinvale:         28-29 May 2012

Swan Hill:         29-30 May 2012

Shepparton:         3-5th September 2012

Framlingham:         15-16th October 2012

Melbourne:          17th October 2012

Bairnsdale:          18-19 February 2013

Melbourne:          3 June 2013


Perth:               13-14 August 2012, 15 September 2014

Geraldton:          28-29 November 2012

Wyndham:         11-14th June 2013

Fitzroy Crossing:       13-18 October 2013

Balgo:             13-18 October 2013

Laverton:          13-17 March 2014

Narrogin:         15 September 2014

Roeburne:          17-18 September 2014