
Project Partners

Academic Institutions

, University of Technology

Legal Aid

Victoria Legal Aid helps people with their legal problems. We focus on helping and protecting the rights of socially and economically disadvantaged Victorians. We provide legal services in the areas of criminal law, family law and some civil law matters. Services we provide include legal representation, advice, education, information and mediation. We have 14 office locations across the state of Victoria, many in rural/regional areas.

The Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission (NTLAC) has offices in Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine, Alice Springs and Tennant Creek.

The legal services provided by NTLAC take the form of:

  • legal advice (in areas including, civil, family and criminal law);

  • help from one of our duty lawyer services (including in the Magistrates, Family and Federal Magistrates Court,  and, through the independent Domestic Violence Legal Service, with domestic violence matters); and

  • legal representation and assistance, where a matter fits within the NTLAC guidelines.

NTLAC conducts a remote outreach program to provide some legal assistance to those living in communities prescribed by the Northern Territory Emergency Response - travelling throughout the Centre and the Top End of the Territory with a focus on regions which are not serviced by other legal services.

The NTLAC vision is to recognise and promote the rights and interests of all by providing equitable access to justice.

Aboriginal Legal Services

The Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Limited (VALS) was established as a community controlled Co-operative Society in 1973 to address the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the criminal justice system. VALS plays an important role in providing referrals, advice, duty work or case work assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the State of Victoria. Solicitors at VALS specialise in one of three areas of law, being , and . VALS maintains a strong client service focus which is achieved through the role of Client Service Officer (CSO). CSOs act as a bridge between the legal system and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

VALS is actively involved in community education, research and advocacy around law reform and policy development. VALS strives to:

  • Promote social justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;

  • Promote the right of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to empowerment, identity and culture;

  • Ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples enjoy their rights, are aware of their responsibilities under the law and have access to appropriate advice, assistance and representation;

  • Reduce the disproportionate involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the criminal justice system; and

  • Promote the review of legislation and other practices which discriminate against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

NAAJA provides legal aid in criminal, family and civil law matters for Indigenous people in the Top End of the Northern Territory. We have offices in Darwin, Katherine and Nhulunbuy.

NAAJA is considered to be Australia’s pre-eminent Indigenous legal aid provider and in 2010 received the prestigious Law Award from the Australian Human Rights Commission for our work. We are committed to providing quality representation for our clients and bringing about long term change in the justice system through law reform, education and  projects such as our ‘Throughcare’ project for prisoners.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (Qld) Ltd, is a community-based organisation established to provide professional and culturally proficient legal services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Queensland.

Our mission is to foster collaborative partnerships with our communities, key government and non-government stakeholders to influence positive change and deliver high quality legal services for our people within or exposed to the justice system.

Our role is to:

  • Ensure that clients are appropriately represented when they come into contact with the justice system;

  • Assist and inform Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and enhance their understanding of the justice system;

  • Ensure that clients and families receive quality legal advice and representation; and

  • Influence a positive change within the justice system that reflect better understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultural backgrounds, problems and challenges that impact upon Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

With a team of over 180 staff across the State, sixteen regional offices, and ten satellite offices, in addition to the head office in Brisbane, ATSILS (Qld) bring together a wealth of experience in the fields of criminal, civil and family law. Growth in the areas of law reform and social work/prison support in recent years has also allowed us to provide a more diverse range of related services to communities across the State.

ATSILS (Qld) has a Board comprised of nine directors elected from its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander membership. A specialist director is also appointed to provide additional guidance in the areas of finance and corporate governance. The operational management team is comprised of a Chief Executive Officer; Principal Legal Officer; and Finance Manager who look to our Board of Directors for strategic direction and advice.

CAAFLUAC was established in 2000. Funded by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department we are a Family Violence Prevention Legal Service. We are a justice, advisory and referral centre for victims of family violence.

Located in Alice Springs and Tennant Creek we provide services to Indigenous women, children and men in Alice Springs, Ntaria (Hermannsburg), Papunya, Yuendumu, Tennant Creek and Elliott, in accordance with our operational framework and service delivery priorities.

Our primary focus is to provide Indigenous victims of family violence, including sexual abuse, with legal advice and casework, counseling, child protection, information, assistance, support and referral services. We provide referral, as appropriate, to mediation and perpetrator programs. We participate in and deliver community education, development and prevention initiatives, and contribute to law and policy initiatives and reform.

The priority areas of law are family violence restraining orders, sexual assault, child protection, criminal compensation, and family law where the legal matter relates to family violence.

We aim to provide high quality and culturally appropriate services, including legal advice which draws upon Aboriginal law and custom and Australian law, to identify possible pathways for protection and change.

The services provided at Ntaria, Papunya, Yuendumu and Elliott recognise and respond to the barriers that Indigenous people face in attempting to access services that are located on in Alice Springs. We arrange interpreters/cultural brokers for clients as appropriate to ensure that our clients can participate fully and confidently in matters that affect them, and to ensure that we properly and fully service our clients.

North Australian Aboriginal Family Violence Legal Service (NAAFVLS) is an independent Family Violence Prevention Legal Service (FVPLS) funded by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department, Indigenous Law and Justice Branch, Indigenous Justice and Legal Assistance Division.

NAAFVLS is a community controlled justice, advisory and referral centre for victims of domestic and family violence, including sexual abuse.  It provides practical assistance and emotional support to people seeking to deal with the effects of domestic, family violence and sexual assault and Child protection and Support.

NAAFVLS is based in Darwin and Katherine providing an outreach visiting service to Wadeye, Kunbarllanjnja, Jabiru, Angurugu, Nhulunbuy, Maningrida, Galiwinku, Gapuwiyak, Nguiu, Pirlangimpi, Milkapati, Ski Beach, Yirrkala, Borroloola, Timber Creek, Ngukurr, Barunga, Beswick, Kalkaringi and other remote Aboriginal communities.

The primary focus of NAAFVLS is to provide assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults and children, who are victims of domestic and family violence including sexual abuse.  In a professional and culturally appropriate manner, NAAFVLS works in accordance with the Family Violence Prevention Legal Services ‘Operational Framework’.

NAAFVLS provides and assists in the provision of the following services:

  1. Legal advice and casework assistance.

  2. Counselling to victims of domestic and family violence including sexual assault.

  3. Assistance and support to victims of domestic and family violence including sexual assault.

  4. Child protection and support.

  5. Information, support and referral services.

  6. Community awareness and prevention initiatives.

  7. Referral to mediation services; and

  8. Referral to perpetrator programs.