
Opisthodon ornatus

Limnodynastes ornatus

(Ornate Burrowing Frog)




Opisthodon ornatus (syn. Limnodynastes ornatus)

Common name

Ornate Burrowing Frog

Main colour

Blotchy, brown, red-brown to grey

Body size

To 4.5 cm long


Cairns, Townsville


This frog occupies a range of habitats from wet sclerophyll to woodland and even to semi-arid environments. The body usually appears blotchy with brown to dark red brown blotches on a paler background, however variants to grey and even yellow are known. Small warts are present on the skin on the back, Belly is whitish and smooth; nose is blunt and legs are short. Fingers are rarely webbed but there may be some webbing between the toes. This species was previously known as Limnodynastes ornatus.

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Limnodynastes ornatus