
CITBA Associated Journals

Associated Journals

Journal of Resilient Economies (JRE)

What does it take to build a resilient economy? From natural disasters to pandemics, economies and the associated businesses, industries, occupations, and communities can be vulnerable to a range of external risks. , is a Platinum Open Access journal, with a multidisciplinary focus to further advance the important concept of resilience.

Who funds this Journal?

Publication infrastructure and maintenance of JRE is fully supported by , driven by the belief that knowledge has the power to change lives, and that research outputs should be freely accessible online, without barriers.

JRE aims to make the academic research available:

  • online
  • immediately
  • without charge
  • free from most copyright or licensing restrictions


Bulletin of Applied Economics (BAE)

is an international, peer-reviewed scholarly open access journal on international economics, instruments, policy and risk management research. It publishes reviews, regular research papers, and communications; there is no restriction on the length of the papers. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible. Full experimental and/or methodical details must be provided for research articles.

The Bulletin of Applied Economics considers submissions in the form of research papers on the following, but not limited to, topics:

  • Risk management regulations and their implications
  • Risk capital allocation and risk budgeting
  • Theoretical development of alternative risk measures
  • Economic theory
  • Monetary Theory and Policy
  • 螒pplied Macroeconomics
  • National and international income distribution
  • Interdisciplinary financial studies
  • International financial crises and regulation
  • Methodologies and conceptualization issues related to finance
  • Capital Allocation
  • Public Economics and Public Policy
  • Applied Financial Econometrics