
Planning for your future Deciding to study

Deciding to study

How do I choose the right course?

You may have lots of interests and various school subjects you're good at, yet no clear direction for a future career.

Knowing your reasons for wanting to keep studying can help. Your friends are all going to university? You know you'll earn more and get a better job with a degree? You're not done learning, and want to expand your knowledge?

Are you interested in making a difference, or keen on a career in health care? Perhaps your biggest goal is to be paid well? Be inspired by the options available.

Find your passion with a degree

There are some degrees which really help you find your passion by starting with a broad foundation. For instance, a Bachelor of Arts offers majors (the subject you focus on) ranging from Criminology to Creative Arts to Human Services.

The Bachelor of Science also has a broad foundation year and many specialisations such as Earth Science, Physics, Marine Biology, and Zoology and Ecology.

A Bachelor of Laws gives your broad skills for many career paths aside from law, including politics and aid work.

With a Bachelor of Business you could run your own business, work on high-profile events or even work for the local or federal Government.

Looking to chat to someone about your options? You can speak to your school guidance officer or contact one of the JCU team.

What could university look like?