
Cultural differences

Cultural differences and the university experience

Adjusting to a new culture can be challenging. Adjusting to a new educational culture can be just as difficult. This short video introduces tips for making the most of your time in Australia by being prepared with some coping strategies.

Adjusting to Australian Culture

Adjusting to Australian Culture

Different understandings of academic work

Some of you may have come from countries with academic cultures different from Australia’s.  Consequently, when you arrive in Australia and start participating in the academic life in this country, you might find yourself experiencing culture shock while adjusting to the university life here. The following are some features of academic life in Australia that may help in your transition to studying in Australia.

Asking questions during classes

In some countries, it is considered respectful to wait for the lecturer’s permission to ask a question. Usually, however, your lecturer or tutor in Australia will welcome you asking questions during the session. So, do ask the lecturer that burning question of yours!

So, when asking questions, do you raise your hand?

It is acceptable for students in Australian universities not to raise their hands during academic discussions, but this may differ in different contexts. You may be surprised when you see Australian students asking questions freely, offering their opinions or even disagreeing with fellow students. However, it is still considered good manners to raise your hand when you want to speak, particularly when many people want to speak at the same time. This practice is particularly useful when you are attending online classes. Which brings us to the next question…

Online: turning on the video camera or not?

Turning on your video camera is highly advisable, as it creates a connection between you, your classmates, and lecturers. If you are doing your lectures/tutorials at home, we understand that you may not want to “invite” strangers into your house. Nonetheless, you’d be surprised to know that some students or lecturers would love to see your cats or dogs that are sitting next to you (or walking leisurely across your table/room).

What if you have tried to participate and you are still nervous?

Ask for help. More likely than not, your lecturers, tutors and even your fellow students will be happy to help you to increase your confidence. Learning Advisors and Peer Advisors are also here to help you become more confident. You will be surprised how much easier it is to ask questions in a large class when you have practiced them beforehand.

Understanding assessment in an Australian university
Higher education assessment methods differ between countries. Australian universities place emphasis on showing your ability, practical skills, and critical thinking.
This short video introduces common assessment practices in Australia.

Understanding Assessment in Australia

Understanding Assessment in Australia

To recap:

Your own success while studying in an Australian university is your own responsibility. However, you can ask for help, and help is always here for you. Ask questions or seek help when you don’t understand, and don’t wait until just before an assessment is due or before the final exam. Offer your own opinions during class discussions. Academic life in Australia is exciting, and you can reap the maximum benefits when you are an active participant in this journey.