
Current Students Learning Online Create a positive study environment

Create a positive study environment

Creating a positive study environment can be as simple as setting up a clearly designated work/study zone. Where possible set up separate spaces for your work/study and your home/hangout space. Establishing physical separation for each space will help your mind transition between these spaces.  Creating clear physical boundaries for work/study and home/hangout zones can reduce stress and help maintain focus and productivity levels. A win/win situation.

It is also important to let your household know your timetable for study, online classes and meetings. Top tip - make your own 'do not disturb' sign to let others know when you are working/studying or participating online.

  • Create a quiet and comfortable study space with good lighting, turn off your phone and limit distractions.
  • Update to the latest versions of or browsers.
  • Ensure you have access to a good quality microphone and use a computer, not a device, when participating in virtual classes.
  • Let others around you know when you are participating in a virtual class.
  • Working from home top tips and tools (DOCX, 83 KB)