
Science Integrated Management

Linking natural environments, science and policy, in a changing world

An extremely important step in research is communication – getting a valuable impact from your results. We pride ourselves on championing critical thinking in environmental decision-making by understanding data, converting data to knowledge, and using advanced analytics and visualizations to support decisions.

We work with management, communities, and industry stakeholders throughout each research project, with open communication back and forth that helps us increase the value of our projects, maximising the long-term benefits.

If you are interested in working with our researchers on a project, have an idea for a project, or want to discuss options, get in touch.

Technology Solutions

Technology lets us quickly acquire and evaluate high volumes of data that can help answer critical questions.

We use technology combined with hands-on sampling and advanced analytics to gain the most information with the least impact on the environment. Some of the cutting edge equipment and programming we use includes:

  • Underwater video and artificial intelligence recognition
  • Data mining and modeling
  • Drone survey assessment (animal identification, habitat mapping, and behavioral analysis)
  • Acoustic tagging and stable isotope analysis.

Consultancy Services

Our consultancy service provides impartial assessments and high-quality expert reporting. Our fields of expertise across coastal ecology include fisheries, invertebrates, water quality, megafauna, and wetland flora and fauna. Contact us to find out more.